RG currently suggests that my published scholarly works currently have 147 citation references in a wide range of Journal articles and conference proceedings publications. By contrast, in a reasonably thorough literature search I have found and confirmed 280 clear accademic references to my publications by full text download.

My method is simple: Over time and in various searches I have just entered my name and initials as “bracketed” key word combinations on both Google Scholar and Google. Being “David P Oulton”. I clearly have an advantage, but additional tag lines such as your University affiliation may work well. Typically, I find that the key “oulton dp” generates about 100 hits, of which 60 plus will find me personally and many will be citation records. Interestingly, the main Google channel often does better than Google Scholar. Do not to exclude foreign language publications, I turned up by reference in publications printed in at least sixteen different foreign languages

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