As we know that research means to create new knowledge, application of exist knowledge, creation of insight in already known knowledge and for this we are conducting research. we also know that we have many types of research i.e. on the basis of research we have two type of research 1- Fundamental research and 2- Applied research, on the basis of nature of knowledge we have 3 types of research i.e. Philosophical research, Scientific research and Historical Research, on the basis of process we have many types of research i.e. Experimental research, Case study research, Survey research ( I do not accept survey as research method because survey is just for data collection process nothing else), Ex-post fact research, Ethnography research, Historical research, phenomenological research etc. Now problem is that the scientific research starts through hypothesis but as an examiner of many thesis I seen that there is no hypothesis in the research thesis while the researcher are formulated assumptions and saying hypothesis. We know that hypothesis is formulated with two clause first clause represents the action and second clause represents the tentative answer therefore hypothesis writes If........ and then ............
we can take an example like- If teaching effectiveness of physics teachers of universities measure on the dimension of command of content, presentation style in classroom, interaction between students during class teaching and time management then there will be difference between male and female physics teachers of universities on above dimensions.
But many of researchers writes only second clause as hypothesis while it is assumption not hypothesis because second clause is just general inference not conditional or specific situations. Here too much misunderstand in between hypothesis and assumption. One more important thing is that assumption will be proved while hypothesis will be tested. So, it is must for research guide to for conceptual clarity of research and their method and for research without understand the research methodology don't start the research.
On the above brief description about research concept and hypothesis will create quality in research otherwise we will just bind the thesis and increase the no.