Every author is keen to get his/her research published in international journals, sometimes in the most prestigious ones like Nature and Science. Failure to do so means frustration. The failures could result from gross overestimation of the outcome of their research and/or overconfidence due to their inexperience, thus, rejection of a paper from a journal of high-international standard. Inexperience and/or lack of confidence may debar a scientist from approaching Nature and Science, though the paper is of extremely high-standard, thus, ending up in another popular journal. Many researchers whose native language is not English may find it very difficult to highlight the value of their research, though it is worth an international publication, thus, may satisfy themselves with local journals or journals published in their native language. Even those who have good language skills may show deficiencies in proper presentation of data, thought provoking and stimulating in-depth discussions, and may sometimes come-up with conclusions that are inadequately supported with data. Everything done to an acceptable standard by the authors, personal biases on the part of the reviewers and/or editors could lead to an unfortunate rejection of a paper too. There could be numerous other reasons than summarized here. In the best interest of all authors, it will be useful to find-out, why and where do authors fail most?

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