11 November 2014 0 9K Report

Dear Colleagues - I’m organising with some colleagues  a session at the 2015 EGU assembly in Vienna; title: “Main-streaming Interest in Earth Science Topics”. I was wondering whether you could be so kind to point me to colleagues that I could contact to contribute?

: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2015/session/17814

”...Participants are invited to tease out lessons how to achieve main-streaming curiosity for earth science topics, addressing both successful outreach activities and obstacles. Experiences from diverse approaches are welcome; i.e. using traditional or modern media or engaging with arts or story-telling. Deliberately, the perspective on valuing earth science topics is cast widely: inviting perspectives on the beauty or particularity of ordinary or special phenomena, evaluating hazards for or from mundane environments, or connecting the scholarly investigation with concerns of citizens at large. ...”

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