My group is trying to buy a manual coin cell crimper, but there are several companies we can go with. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding who makes the best crimpers?
We have a quote from Hosen, and we have looked at MTI. The real question is, since MTI is much cheaper, is it going to do a poor job crimping our cells?
My research is going well, I am just waiting to hear back from the reviewers for my publication for the ECS special intercalation issue, but other than that, we are right on track...I might actually get my PhD eventually.
I am leading the project fabricating coin cell parts and tools including the crimper distributed by NRC. Our crimper and coin cell parts have a proven track record that goes over two decades, in fact we are using it for our internal research. If you have still are looking for a crimper please contact me for further details.
In my experienced both Hosen and Eger corporations from Japan found excellent. Both crimping as well as de-crimping work smoothly and especially Eger machine with automatic system it can conveniently work inside glove box.