Please give your opinion! We all know that every readers have different opinion to read books. Many readers are prefer to read in print copy! However, so many tech-savvy always demand electronic format. So , Kindly share your choice to read book.
Frankly, I do not have time for books, though I love it. Printed ones is my preference. If I like it, I do notes in the book, and love to re-read some places once in a while.
Electronic system is preferred by me includes academic compilation of work/Books/Journal papers/misc. Documents as it is portable by Internet or pen drive!!!!!
Print books are more durable and electronic books are more convenient. In my case, I prefer e-books of articles/books, especially for research purposes but when they are not available in this e-format, I make do with the print formats.
Thank you very much for your response! Dr.Borden Mushonga, Dr.Arvind Singh, Dr.Hom Nath Chalise, Vishnu Kumar Gupta, Chukwuebuka Egbuna, Dickson Adom, Dr. A. K. Malik and Fatemeh Sadat Mir Mohammad Makki...
I prefer reading electronic books for many reasons. First, I can enlarge the font size to make reading more pleasurable and easier on the eyes. Second, Electronic books can also contain multi-media elements not available with traditional books. Third, audio and video can be embedded to make reading a fully immersive experience.
Books in both formats are good. I discover I read faster with electronic books; however, print books have the real feel of books because that is what one has read for like forever. I also enjoy the variety of reading any book format I choose as that makes me read more than I would have read if I was reading books in only one format.
One observation, many of my students in criminal justice say they detest e-books. I have heard the same complaint from nursing students. I know that some students in other disciplines prefer them.
Thank you so much for your excellent views and suggestions... Dr.Gregg W. Etter, Dr. Adewale Ajayi, Edwin Chigozie Nwokorie, Omar Hazem Mohammed and Md. Arman Arefin.