Which algorithm is best for rating-based risk factor prediction in machine learning?I am having a data-set that has 12 column and 521 rows ,which containing non-numerical information like :

1st column is : "Menarche start early" 2nd column : "Oral Contraception" 3rd column : "Diet Maintain" 4th column : "Affected By Breast Cancer" 5th column : "Affected By cervical Cancer?" 6th column : "Cancer History In family?" 7th column : "Education?" 8th column : "Age of Husband" 9th column : "Menopause End age?" 10th column : "Food contains high fat?" 11th column : "Abortion?" 12th column : "Affected by ovarian Cancer?"

here all the columns containing categorical variable except "Age of Husband" column and "Menopause End age?" column,i am not understanding which algorithm or machine learning model should i use for my data-set to predict Risk factor based on rating (1 - 5). I need your Aid for my problem.i have average theory knowledge i'm not understanding how to solve this problem.please share your thoughts and useful resources for me and for this problem. I'm still new in this area,your aid will be highly appreciated,thank you in advance.

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