In this first publications, I already have triangle fuzzy members (same shape) and I have several defuzzification methods by Fuzzy Logic Toolbox on Scilab.
May be my system research can give an idea and give a clue to answer to your question.
Please find my paper and data files.
G2EDPS's First Module & Its First Extension Modules
Please look at core modules "defuzzifier, best core model defuzzifier selection".
It has 10 extension modules. The 1st core module works with "type 1 Mamdani like Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with 7 triangle membership functions and 49 rules is designed for 2 input and 1 output variables for a 100 year forecasting period".
I recommend you immodestly the method of the optimal defuzzification described shortly in the poster placed in Research Gate "RG Optimal Representative Method of Defuzzification" and more precisely in the paper "Defuzzification with Optimal Representation Method" publihed in Januar 2017 in Przeglad Elektrotechnichny. Best wishes! AP