I'm working on the aesthetic value associated with smell and the representation of it in literature. So any recommendations for the books or articles to be looked upon?
Corbin, Alain. Le miasme et la Jonquille: L'odorat et l'imaginaire social XVIIle -
XIXe siecles . Paris: Aubier Montaigne, 1982.
Engen , Trygg. The Perception of Odors . Academic Press: New York, 1982.
Gibbons, Boyd. "The Intimate Sense of smell." National Geographic Magazine
Sept. 1986: 324-361.
Merleau- Ponty , Maurice . Phenomenology of Perception . London: Routledge
and Kegan Paul, 1993.
Rindisbacher, Hans J.: The Smell of Books: A Cultural-historical Study of Olfactory Perception in Literature. University of Michigan Press, 1992. ESSENTIAL FOR YOUR RESEACH
Serres, Michel. Les cinq sens. Grasset: Paris, 1985.