The major consensus amongst researchers is that climate change is unequivocally happening and it is a major concern in terms of water and food supply for human populations, occurrence of extreme events, sea level rising and ecosystems functions and services. Synthesis report of scientific studies these topics above mentioned are available on the IPCC website (link below).
Attached I also send some interesting studies from changes that our oceans are to face in a climate change context.
Climate change is a major threat to the earth system. Scientists are increasing certain in their findings that it is a serious threat. With my work in climate change and ecohydrology I see the impacts could be significant. Best place for a good review is IPCC AR5 report.
I agree with my other colleagues- Climate change is a real threat to future global food security. There are tons of credible research reports highlighting the fact. The debate should be on: How to mitigate the threat posed by the changing climate on food and water security and NOT on whether it is happening or not?
Somewhere back in the early 1990s I asked a forestry colleague if he thought climate change was coming. "Oh, it's here already in our forests. The high variability of warmer temperature sometimes interspersed with 'normal' winters weakens the trees, and the insects do very well." He emphasized to me that it was extreme variability that mattered + chains of linkages to other sources of forest impact like the insects. Later in the 1990s, as a member of the Lake Superior Binational Forum (it provided citizen advice to the governments of Canada and the US), a fisheries expert talked about the climate change effects on the Lake and its fish. The lake turns over cold and warm layers twice a year. They are happening later in the Fall and earlier in the spring--not just a little but on average by weeks now. Some species of fish back then were already moving further from shore to find colder water. They were moving towards land later in the Fall and outwards earlier. Very real. In fact, with Arctic warming on average at least 2 x the rate elsewhere (and in parts of Russia at 8x, even as other spots are colder), we have probably already lost our chance to hold the rise 2C as now natural cycles will increase it beyond what we could mitigate. Methane is being released in vast quantities by the melting permafrost that once stored it. Now, I think, the question is adaptation, while mitigating what we can.
Before there was a concensus on whether climate change was a problem, interest groups had to work hard to justify climate change funding for research and for implementing projects.
Now that there is a global consensus that climate change is a problem, interest groups looking for funding do not have to work as hard or should be expected not to work as hard to justify it as before, and I see your concern...some groups see risk as opportunity and if there is no follow up you can not guarantee that money they raise goes to implementing global warming friendly research or programs as expected and you may not know where the money goes or if it goes mostly to administration costs,,,something similar to what is known as green washing,,,,
But beyond the possibility of opportunistic behaviour there is a real problem in front of us, my only take is that any global warming friendly program should be socially friendly too to ensure over all system sustainability.
Agree with Lucio Muñoz that some interest groups or corporations may advance their own interests with little practical effect on society and its place in the larger environment.
Since 1905, sientists discovered that CO2 taps infrared energy. We humans are taking carbon from subsoil (Petroleum) and putting it on the atmosphere. Consequently, CO2 contentration in the atmosphee has increased from 270 to 400 ppm since industrial revolution, being this rise more abrupt during the last few decades. So, increased potentially-warming-CO2 shjould have effects on globall warming and other climate components. Now there are tons of data available on climat change indicators.
I would say climate change is major threat not to the planet but to human civilization. The planet will go on as ever. About funding, the major influences are precisely against doing anything about climate change. See the case against Exxon about disinformation in US courts.
Climate change and climatic variability are major concerns, specially climatic variability, inter- and intra-, which fluctuates in a wider range. understanding of crop growth in relation to climate variations is complex as simultaneously many stresses other than climate are also occurring. Moreover, climate change prediction is through GCMs, which is an advanced science. Understanding of cc impacts is primarily through use of simulation tools, which also is an advanced topic. Of course, the inter-governmental collaboration/funding is needed on this aspect, where the advanced players need to help the others to mature and provide useful outputs in this line.
Lot of research areas still to be addressed, since this is a topic which cuts across numerous sectors so need of inter-sectoral assessment. Mostly nodal agency at the country scale is min. of environment and forests, which also makes other sectors to join.
This topic include research institutes, policy makers, other associated stakeholders, so more or less every agency gets involved, so sometimes becomes a political agenda too, but we should accept it as our priority is to carry out effective research and have to be careful in our ultimate results, we should ensure its correctness and relevance and outcomes, and should evaluate for the extent of error association, otherwise the results could be taken in different way, which may not be appropriate for the society and policymakers.
Of course this topic is extremely sensitive, and we have to take challenge of bringing effective integrated assessment of cc, by covering the inter-secoroal components
Climate change is a reality and need immense attention of researchers, policy makers and political leaders together on how to deal with it scientifically; because sustainability of humans on the earth depends on whether we become successful in our preparedness to combat unanticipated outcomes of the climate change issues globally.
No individual nation alone can do preventive and restorative activities beyond a limit; what is needed is collective effort irrespective of whether belong to the north or the south of the globe!
There should be more academic collaborations and collective discussions on preparedness for issues such as extremity in droughts or floods or hurricanes in unanticipated places and times.
In the preventive areas such as better measures of carbon sequestration, a lot of research need to carried out.
Climate change demands people to be more simple in life style, which is an issue having spiritual dimensions as well.
I feel that holistic approach to climate change issues and UNFCC study outputs and recommendations need to be part of curriculum of university students globally so that the youngsters become more aware of their plight in the future and get prepared to meet the challenges courageously