It seems they (USGS) have moved the archived Landsat 8 SR products from EarthExplorer to ESPA interface recently. Just make a list of Scene IDs for your study area in a *.txt file, upload it through the 'New Order' section, select 'Surface Reflectance' and submit the order through ESPA.
Surface Reflectance Higher-Level Data Products can be ordered through the following page:
USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Science Processing Architecture (ESPA) On Demand Interface
To begin the order, upload a text file (*.txt) listing one Landsat Level-1 on each line. Scene identifiers can be found in the search results on EarthExplorer or GloVis.
After uploading the scene list text file, a number of options can be selected, including:
Surface Reflectance-based Spectral Indices (NDVI, NDMI, NBR, SAVI, EVI)
All orders submitted through ESPA are processed within 2-5 days. Email notifications are sent after the order is placed, and also after the data is processed and ready to download.
You can check which also explains the download process of Landsat Surface Reflectance High Level Data Products.
Any one using in Python (Linux) before already pls? I have problem when I run it in with Python and It said the error coms with "Error: request () got an unexpected keyword argument 'json'"
Just as Ramesh Sivanpillai and others mentioned there are LANDSAT-8 Level-2 products (surface reflectance, top of the atmosphere, etc.) available.
First, You will need an account within USGS EarthExplorer or GLOVIS engines.
After that and once you know the scene Id, you can order Level 2 products complete LANDSAT scene "code", the one you get after searching for images in EarthExplorer or GLOVIS interfaces, this is a string like: "LC08_L1TP_028046_20160204_20170224_01_T1"
You order directly at:
Just upload a *.TXT file containing the scene Id.
Then select the product contents, additional processing as customize output format. Then submit the order.
The system sends you an email when the scene had been processed and it is ready to download.
It seems that the link that I provided ( does not work when accesed via ResearchGate. Just copy-paste it in a internet browser.
Hi Sumit Kumar Sahoo , You can use SREM (Simplified and Robust Surface Reflectance Estimation Method) to get surface reflectance from Landsat 8 images and please check the following links for more detail: