7 Questions 75 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhammad Bilal [Ph.D]
Dear Respected Researchers, I would like to know that is it theoretically possible that satellite-derived surface reflectance at visible-to-shortwave wavelengths using the equation mentioned in...
05 May 2019 1,237 20 View
Dear Respected Researchers, I am developing an atmospheric correction method using Landsat data set and later, will also test on MODIS and VIIRS data sets. Therefore, I am looking for spectral...
07 July 2016 8,779 8 View
Hi, Could you please provide me equations and their respective parameters to calculate TOA Radiance and Reflectance from VIIRS SDR data? Thanks in advance! Regards, Bilal
05 May 2015 334 3 View
I have two MODIS images of equal area coverage, and the same spatial resolution and coordinate system. But, there is a shift between these images. Does anyone know how to remove the shift/how to...
01 January 2015 7,097 28 View
Is there any effective approach to remove clouds from MODIS L1B Swath Product? How do you use MODIS cloud products (MOD06 & MOD35) to remove clouds?
12 December 2014 7,396 9 View
I found that PM2.5 and Satellite AOD are very well correlated at specific range of surface low pressure (996-1010 hPa) - My question is that why AOD and PM2.5 has high correlation (R = 0.86)...
10 October 2014 4,901 17 View
I have data range (lets say) from 0.1 to 1.0 and I want to divide it into three different ranges: low, medium and high values. Is there any automatic method to select these ranges?
08 August 2013 640 7 View