I am requesting expert advice in determining camera field of view and data processing considerations, for the purposes of proximal Structure from Motion 3D volumetric reconstructions of 0-2 m tall plants in an agricultural field, taken from a 1.5 mph moving platform, using color cameras and the pinhole optical model compute?

This because in Maricopa Phenotyping, Plant Group Phenotyping Team 2019 experimentation under the leadership of Dr. Thompson, we plan to image cotton plants, using three Nikon N1 aw1 16 MP DSLR action cameras, triggered together at 1 Hz, one camera mounted in nadir view and two oblique on either side of the row crop. We plan to process images using Photoscan.

However, as final (adjustable) camera mounting positions are created via new square tube arms on Professor PSC, I seek additional input in how to suspend, point and set cameras optimally, and so support success in the expected subsequent large volume SfM processing.

Please see iteration two in the Project update, “A second year Professor – Tenure Track?”


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