The interpretation of quantum mechanics looks like today not as a physical, but rather as a social problem. In some sense this situation is similar to the one that was in astronomy during the time of Galileo and Copernicus. At that time it was thought that the Earth is flat, and the Sun rotates around it. But people have seen the round Sun, the round Moon, and at sufficiently frequent lunar eclipses - the round Earth's shadow. It was not very difficult to understand that the Earth is also round and rotates. But the process of recognition by society of this fact was, as you know, very long and dramatic. And it is not because people were stupid but because there were for this case social reasons. In Russian there is a short and exact description of this situation poetically:

«Учёный, сверстник Галилея,

был Галилея не глупее.

Он знал, что вертится Земля,

но у него была семья» (Е. Евтушенко, 1957)

The Inquisition now is absent, but other quite strong social reasons remain. These social reasons change consciousness of scientists in such a way that they lose ability adequately to perceive even the simple and obvious experimental facts.

Many years in quantum physics delusion exists that “all known laws of physics are invariant under time reversal”. But today we have several direct and great number of indirect experimental proofs that it not so.

First of all it is the experiments on splitting and mixing of photons in nonlinear crystals. Here at first stage the narrow laser radiation is split on wide signal and idler beams which then are mixed up in other nonlinear crystal. We should expect emergence of wider radiation, but experiments show preferred regeneration of initial narrow radiation [arXiv:quant-ph/0302038]. Other fact is the well known Bloch oscillations of cold atoms in vertical optical lattice. Here the atoms fall down and then return in the initial point due to highly asymmetrical light scattering.

You don't need to be Einstein to understand that these facts are the direct sign of inequality of forward and reversed processes in quantum physics. The reversed process, which returns the quantum system into the initial state, has much greater differential crosssection than any other processes. Recognition of the fact of inequality of forward and reversed processes in quantum physics directly leads to the conclusion that the Bohm theory is the most correct interpretation of quantum mechanics [arXiv:0706.2488v6].

We need now a detailed experimental study of differential cross-sections of the forward and reversed processes. But in the beginning it is necessary to convince the scientific community to recognize the Bohm theory and the fact of time reversal noninvariance in quantum physics. However, it is absolutely unclear today how physicists must solve this mainly social problem in quantum physics. Or perhaps we have to wait a hundred years, when new physicists will be born (without social complexes).

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