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Se necesita tener una actitud investigativia y crìtica sobnre la propia practica, asì como una preparaciòn para entender el aula como un "acontecer" cargado de sorpresas y curiosidad por parte del educador, de modo que habilite a la creactividad e innovaciòn ( leer Skliar y Larrosa, 2011).
Familiarity with the culture and conditions of the area that is taught in, combined with an excellence in the subject being taught. By excellence I mean not just having a degree in a particular subject, but for example, to successfully teach art, being an artist yourself.
I want to add to Deb's point. Excellence, yes but in teaching students Art. When we focus on the students, then we take into consideration their cultural background etc. But if we focus on the teaching Art, then we shift focus to the content and not the students, who are always the ones we are teaching.