You can use Raven's Eye analytics for chat logs and really any qualitative data you may have. One great feature on Raven's Eye is you can copy entire websites and instantly analyze the content from that website. So this might really be what you are looking for.
You can also use Raven's Eye for surveys, open ended interviews, and focus groups. It can be used on any natural language data set you have.
Great things about Raven's Eye, in my experience. Most important, to me, Raven's Eye is an ANALYSIS software, based on Science. NOT just a organizational tool.
It is reliable, valid and has many analytical functions (word patterns/frequency and much more in terms of analytical functioning). You can analyze small and large sized data sets. Intuitive and easy to learn.
Provides you with free access to Practical Manual, training video series, 65+ languages for your data analysis. Unprecedented degree of generalizability, reliability, and validity.
Prices are inexpensive. Reduced prices for various package deals.
From narrative analytic point of view, Narrative analysis and Computer-Mediated communication by Alexandra Georgakopoulou is useful. You can also see: Computer-Mediated communication: An analysis of online dating by Monica Whitty. Goddluck
Content analysis was used in a grounded theory article on chatting. It wasn't internet communications, but voice-activated audiotaped bedside interactions between parents and nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit to record everyday verbal exchanges between the parents and nurses over an extended period of time. "Chatting": An important clinical tool in facilitating mothering in neonatal nurseries; 2001; Fenwick, J, Barclay, L, & Schmied, V. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33(5), 583-593.
What Mary Rose and Ronald have recommended is heavily used by Australian or Other researchers analyzing chat logs. For example, Journal of Applied Educational Technology (ex. Dianne Chambers, vol 3, no.1, Spring 2006).
"Analyzing Online Communities: A Narrative Approach by Andrew Feldstein, 2009),
"Strategies for effective Use of Chat" by Lisa Weber and Jennifer Lieberman.
Also see my paper on "Seeking Expert Opinion Online.... using chatting...
You can use Raven's Eye analytics for chat logs and really any qualitative data you may have. One great feature on Raven's Eye is you can copy entire websites and instantly analyze the content from that website. So this might really be what you are looking for.
You can also use Raven's Eye for surveys, open ended interviews, and focus groups. It can be used on any natural language data set you have.
Great things about Raven's Eye, in my experience. Most important, to me, Raven's Eye is an ANALYSIS software, based on Science. NOT just a organizational tool.
It is reliable, valid and has many analytical functions (word patterns/frequency and much more in terms of analytical functioning). You can analyze small and large sized data sets. Intuitive and easy to learn.
Provides you with free access to Practical Manual, training video series, 65+ languages for your data analysis. Unprecedented degree of generalizability, reliability, and validity.
Prices are inexpensive. Reduced prices for various package deals.
I use Raven's Eye too. It has been the best to get reliable results. Often times I do research that collects qualitative data from various cultural groups. This tool makes it so I can compare the findings of these groups. I have done research in English and Spanish, good thing about Raven's Eye is it analyzes data in English and Spanish, for me.