I want to estimate the impact of internal migration on rural economy in Bangladesh. What will be the dependent variable (s) in this context? is it only be the flow of remittance into the rural area from internal migration?
The impact of internal migration on rural economy can be measured with the help of poverty level, income, remittance, production level and productivity, CPI, employment etc.
Hi, Istihak, migration can be caused by two factors: push and pull factors. Push factors may include safety issue, political issue, natural disasters, war/conflicts, etc. While pull factors such as city/ other regions' attractiveness, number of education providers, employment level, discrepancy of income between rural and urban, etc
One is the mobility itself - How much are people moving internally. Other is how quickly a new enterprise can be established by an outsider in a new place.
The impact of labor migration from rural areas is expected to have a series of implications: first the outmigration of young and productive labor force may bring an increase in the labor wage (in origin) assuming the level of migration is so high to affect the labor market. second, the wage increase in the origin may result in the adoption of less labor intensive agricultural activities. third, as the result of the labor shortage and possible remitted money (especially for those credit constrained households) it may encourage capital intensive and modern agricultural input adoption.
Hi, I want to find the impact of internal migration and agricultural productivity on rural development of Pakistan. What will be the best dependent variable? Can I take urbanization as one of the dependent variables? and what independent variables can I pick?