Due to social Distancing and other no gathering activities, what type of activities (Majorly Negative activities) has been under control due to complete lockdown.
In a bid to encourage people to follow a healthy lifestyle
Read more at: https://punemirror.indiatimes.com/news/india/government-plans-activities-for-healthy-lifestyle-during-21-day-lockdown/articleshow/74831072.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
You hit a very important point. It is easy to see purely negative impacts of COVID-19 on social life. Still I argue in the future when one can see retrospect the chain of events, positive outcomes might become more significant:
Medicine delivery has been restricted in many countries to meet strict social needs and people in general think for themselves deeper how should they behave to reach their goals with less energy (costs vs. fear vs.mobility): the ongoing uncertainty on the future scenarios of the word economy forces companies to use e-learning platforms in many fields and industry sectors. In so these firms must come up with new mechanisms for social control. Unfortunately mass media in certain cases increases the level of confusion:
1) Anneliese Depoux et al.(2020). " The pandemic of social media panic travels faster than the COVID-19 outbreak" March 2020 Journal of Travel Medicine, Available at:
Article The pandemic of social media panic travels faster than the C...
Eating patterns, either increased to those who are rich and also declined to those who are poor.ie poor 2 or 1 meals per day, rich eating a lot since there have nothing more to do.
i think there are number of negative impacts that this lockdown has created among people in the society. some of them i am mentioning here from my ongoing project research work on effect of corona in different dimensions are:
Among Psychological effects:
There is a steep rise in mental illness.
I suspect everyone around me of affected person besides me.
I am not happy during complete lockdown although I am with my family.
I have a fear of losing my businesses, jobs, earnings, savings or even basic resources.
I am always worrying about family members and their health.
I feel frustrated when I see person around me are roaming freely and not adopting preventive measure.
I have a sympathy that daily wages labour are affected most.
I might develop the symptom of Insomnia where I feel that something bad might happen.
People are hoarding resources leaving many items out of stock and such a scarcity can also lead to the general population being more anxious.
I feel Nervousness, fears of contamination, constant reassurance seeking behaviors, panic attacks, sleep disturbance, excessive worry and feelings of helplessness are some of the other possible ramifications.
It created restlessness due to uncertainty of ending this pandemic.
Fake news on social media creating negative impact on me .
I think social distancing is hard to follow for more than 2 weeks.
Prolonged loneliness can cause depression and anxiety.
Whenever I sneeze, cough or feel little rise in body temperature I doubt myself for infection of corona virus.
Effect of social media on disseminating information
I feel that fake news has created negative impact on my mental health and social acceptability.
I am always searching authentic data on corona and prefers only government website or applications.
I found AarogySetu app to provide me correct information about corona infection near me.
I am receiving regular alert messages by various government agencies.
Through various ICT tools (Mobile, Internet, radio, T.V. etc.) has helped farmers in getting right information on agriculture and allied sector activities.
Whatsapp being multi facilities IT platform has helped the farmers more than other social media tools.
Direct video calling facility has helped farmers to interact with expert on farm related issues.
I think that kisan call centre (KCC) has helped farmers in solving their queries.
Digital marketing by farmers will be more useful .
Mutual behavioral social control, enacted spontaneously by members of the same community has gained widespread approval as a prevention method against the virus. While it was rare before in metropolitan areas in the western world, a need of group survival has produced a sense of self-discipline in social groups that had no previous similar attitude. The failure by an individual to adhere to the precautions prescribed by medical authorities, even when these are not directly enforced by law, is not tolerated kindly or with indifference by other members of society since it is seen a clear public danger. There is a chance that a prolonged social shock due to the pandemic will cause unforeseen social adaptation, most notably in public but as well in private relations, with the perception of the “other” as an implicit biological menace until “vetted” by adopting appropriate behavior or having a known medical status declared. In particular, the emergence of “reliable“ class of individuals that have undergone medical testing and resulted “safe” to deal with could present itself in the workforce, because such individuals (either because of having developed immunity to covid-19 or having successfully shown their status as non dangerous individual =non infectious) would be greatly preferred to comparatively experienced workers since are less liable to cause economic disruption to the activity of companies. By the same logic workplaces would be selected by workers: firms and other business entities that do guarantee a better virological safety either due to better working conditions or providing adequate medical assistance, will tend to attract more qualified people than comparatively profitable businesses that do not.
As we have frequently observed in the historical records, after mass social crisis the socio-economic balance is subject to changes. The contemporaneous humanItalian and medical crisis and a looming economic downfall combined in this global event are a far superior force for, or accelerator of, social change in the economics rather than the relatively more local socio-economic crisis experienced after the end of Ww2, even the 2008 subprimes mortgages crack and wide cascade of effects could not affect this much the daily lives of every continent and every people. Since the last great crisis of 2008 the economic interdependence has grown steadily, As a direct result of stretching and fragmenting the production chains and adopting high efficiency standards for procurement this structure created fatal fragilities in availability of goods deemed essential during a pandemic. The lack of Personal Protection Equipment has been massively experienced as a lack of reliability of the existing market structure regarding its most basic social duty of satisfying demand. At the international level this created disruptions in every market since numerous governments sought to impose via emergency laws some form of control on the production, import and export of goods that were now deemed of essential political and social value well beyond the simple economic value, in open contrast to many of the pre-existing economic doctrines. The prolonging of this event in a “second wave” scenario will probably establish a strongly rooted “new normality” social environment that will be a quite different place from anything approaching a total return to pre-pandemic standards.