I’m looking for an introductory textbook on electrochemistry for engineers. It should cover electrochemical fundamentals and their use in key applications. Any recommendations?
I think it will be hard to find a single good combination of a book covering electrochemical fundamentals followed by applications.
The standard graduate/upper level undergraduate text is Allan J. Bard's Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. However, the style is quite arcane, but good for mathematically inclined students. The applications in Bard's book refer to analytical chemistry applications. A descriptive (talking style) book is Bockris & Reddy's Electrochemistry Vol I and Vol II. The applications part can be supplemented with Electrochemistry for Technologists
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780080134345. It has a focus on batteries/ fuel cells/ metal extraction etc.
I agree with those previous and complement suggesting the work of Prof C. M. A. Brett and A. M. O. Brett, regading basic aspectos, besides I would also recommend Electroanalytical Methods - Fritz Sholz (simply fantastic), and Fundamentals of Electrochemistry - Bagotsky (mandatory, for me).