I am collecting information about symbol plants of different regions of Europe. Unfortunately, I couldn't find enough information from the Balkans. Any information and references are welcome.
Dear Packia Lincy, thank you so much! It is valuable for me, however I am looking for some other information. For example, the plant symbol of Canada is maple (Acer), the Ukrainian plant symbols are willow (Salix) and viburnum (Viburnum opulus), the Bulgarian symbol is rose (Rosa) etc. It must be one or several the most important and symbolical plants for country.
There is a paper published in Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestienis, vol. 38, 2011, author Cristea V., „Plants in coats of arms and flags: symbolism and sozological importance”. I think it contains valuable data for you. Unfortunately, now I have not posibility to send this paper to you, but I will try to find it.
although the link I am sending to you is not a research paper, it contains references to such which may be helpful regarding the plants growing in the Republic of Macedonia.
Plants and other natural means have been used in traditional dental medicine for several millennia in the Balkan countries, as well as other ways of treatment. In the Balkan countries ethnodentistry (ETD), part of the ethnomedicine has been developed simultaneously by ethnopharmacy and ethnoveterinary medicine, presenting the branches of folk health culture. ETD is to be considered interdisciplinary and composite field of science. Data obtained from investigation should be assumed much wider, i.e. systematically through the prism of archeology, history, general medicine, pharmacy, sociology, and tradition of the Balkan regions. Best wishes, Abduraimov Ozodbek.