What percentage , and form of variation can be observed in terms of quality and quantity of secondary metabolite in a medicinal plant (similar type of plant) growing in distinct geographical area? Example, Rauvolfia serpentine in India and Africa .
To predict the changes in metabolites composition and percentage for the same plant in the same geographical area (at least 2 km away), you need to have the soil edaphic parmetre, the average ambient temperature and the altitude. If these parameters vary then the composition varies in quantitative and qualitative
The metabolites composition of plant is slightly differ in different geographical areas beacuse of the different soil quality, environmental condition such as temprature, humidity, rainfall condition of that area.
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2) Abd El-Wahab, M.A.; Toaima, W.I.M. and Hamed, E.S. (2016). Effect of different planting locations in Egypt on volatile oil of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L.) plant. Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 2(4): 522-533.