The Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is designed for two levels of earthquake viz., Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) and Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE). The OBE (S1) level ground motion corresponds to the maximum level of ground motion, which can reasonably be experienced at the site once during the operating life of nuclear power plant with a return period of 100 years. Whereas, the SSE (S2) level ground motion is the maximum potential vibratory ground motion at the site based on the maximum earthquake potential of the (site) region with a return period of 10000 years. The material safety factor (ϒm) for design for concrete and steel considered are 1.5 and 1.15 under OBE and same is 1.3 and 1.0 for SSE. After Fukushima event, i.e., Extreme Earthquake Event (EEE) and subsequent Tsunami, it is required to evaluate the safety of various civil structures in Nuclear Power Plants for Beyond Design Basis Earthquake (BDBE) having return period of more than 10^5 (magnitude 1.67 to 2.5 times of SSE).
My question is that, what partial safety factor for material (both concrete & steel) we should consider for seismic margin under BDBE condition?. For my present work, I have considered a partial safety factor of 1.0 for both concrete and steel under BDBE condition. I need some reference document/code/standard for the same.