I am doing geometry optimization of molecule in excited state with frozen linear angle using GIC and I got error message which I never got before.

Route section:




# LC-wPBE/6-31+G(2d,p) TD=(singlet,root=1,nstates=8) fopt=(MaxStep=8) geom=(AddGIC,connectivity) scf=xqc Integral(Grid=SuperFineGrid)

Error message:

SavETr: write IOETrn= 770 NScale= 10 NData= 16 NLR=1 NState= 8 LETran= 154.

MaxDer out of range in HSEd.

Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g16-A.03/sse4/g16/l914.exe

Deas anyone understand what is the reason of the error?

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