Backache are of several types, like related to the muscles, vertebrae or spine. What may be the possible Yoga therapy for all three types of Back-pain?
I am unaware of any studies investigating if yoga has different effects on different types of back pain. You might consult our systematic review paper on how yoga impacts back pain in general. See the URL below.
Article Impact of Yoga on Low Back Pain and Function: A Systematic R...
While treating my patients through Life style management,I found that piles has been one of the cause,of backache related to muscles.If constipation which is responsible for pile is controlled will give relief.The other cases of backache by slipdisc i.e by displacement of vertebrae were relieved by Yog exercise.
One more check in backache was advised to newly wed couples that if they have sex once in a month the backache will not happen.To utter surprise the patients got relief.
It's important to consider different types of back problems and gender, as well as different types of yoga. From a biomechanical and physiotherapy point of view, I think that Iyengar yoga is much better suited to many, if not most, types of back pain. I understand that B.K.S. Iyengar's daughter, Geeta S. Iyengar, has written specifically on the use of yoga for women: []
The weakness of core muscle is the important cause for back pain. Therefore the yoga protocol which provide the stability to core muscle is very effective for LBP. The following yoga pose effective for LBP like bridge posture give strength to the gluteal and hip musculature and cobra pose provide stability to eretor spine muscle ,in addition to boat posture and uddiyan bandha give strength to transveus abdominis muscle. Apart from that we also practiced the diaphragmatic breathing .