@ Farhan, Root mean square value is used to compare both alternating and direct currents (or voltage).It is one of the most important parameter that is used to describe the strength of an Alternating Current (AC). RMS value of an AC voltage/current is equivalent to the DC voltage/current that produces the same heating effect when applied across an identical resistor. Actually, the root mean square is a measure of the magnitude of a set of numbers. It gives a sense for the typical size of the numbers. Therefore, it is dependable in terms of accuracy. It is normally used in many math fields.
If you are referring to root mean square error or briefly RMSE, it is a well-known accuracy indicator that is used for evaluating the goodness of a prediction/interpolation task.
Having the formula in mind, it calculates the squared difference between "the interpolated value and the corresponding expected value". All values are then averaged (summed up and divided by the number of pairs). The result is then subjected to a square root to obtain the RMSE.