Although the seven patterns of English and their variations are used with all types of discourse, certain discourses show a more frequent use of some grammatical structures. For instance, the passive voice is frequently used (with or without agent) in scientific discourse and seldom used in legal discourse for obvious reasons having to do with spelling out social relations through the grammatical system. The pseudo-cleft construction is more frequently used with oral than written discourse. Active structures tend to be associated with first person pronouns in political discourse while promotional discourse tends to make use of more vocative pronouns (YOU). However, all these are tendencies that need to be tested empirically. Many people in computational and corpus linguistics are experimenting with such data.
discourse can have an impact on thegrammatical and lexical choices. each specific genre or text type follows some patterns regarding structures frequently used
Discourse and grammar often seem to be two very different facets of human communication. Grammar specifies a set of language-specific codes, typically restricted to sentence-level units. Discourse is the creation and organization of the segments of a language above as well as below the sentence. It is segments of language which may be bigger or smaller than a single sentence but the adduced meaning is always beyond the sentence. The term discourse applies to both spoken and written language, in fact to any sample of language used for any purpose. Any series of speech events or any combination of sentences in written form wherein successive sentences or utterances hang together is discourse. Discourse cannot be confined to sentential boundaries. It is something that goes beyond the limits of sentence. In another words discourse is 'any coherent succession of sentences, spoken or written' (Matthews, 2005:100).
To provide an example: I found that in Hungarian folksongs, chains of possessive comnstructions (reference point constructions) are frequestly employed - should you be interested, you can find the abstract on my page
Notably, the type discourse represents a given speech community's standards and conventions for communicating with the members of the social group. For instance, those involved in the field of medicine utilize a specific lexicogrammar in order to convey their information to others.