My research topic is "Consideration of Maqasid al-Sharia'ah in Imam Mohammad Ibn Hasan al-Shaybani's Legal Thought". Maqasid al-shari'ah means the general objectives of Islamic Law that promote human welfare and public interest through commandment of common good and prohibition of harms. These are 1) protection of belief, 2) protection of life, 3) protection of intellect, 4) protection of progeny, 5) protection of property, and 6) protection of honor. Shaybani neither wrote any specific book or chapter on the maqasid al-shari'ah nor he mentioned it purposively throughout his legacy. However, it is observed throughout his legacy that he considered maqasid al-shari'ah. I am going to explore various components of theory of maqasid shari'ah that prove al-Shaybani's maqasidic thinking and its application in his legal thought. I will be focusing on one of his treatise. What research approach, data collection method and data analysis method are appropriate for my research? could any scholar help me? Please a figure/ diagram for the methodology.

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