Hello! I don't think that there is a specific percent of carbapenemases in Gram negative bacteria in water samples all over the world and I think that, in a specific spot, there is a fluctuation in the number of pathogens carrying carbapenemases genes in space and time. Here is one study from India (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24521347), maybe you should start from it.
To provide you an opinion, I need to clarify your question. Do you literally mean carbapenamases or carbapenemase resistance-associated genes? We have quantified enteric strains that are carba resistant and also carba resistance genes (e.g. NDM-1) in surface water samples around the world and their abundances vary widely (even in the same reach). To my knowledge, there is no explicit data that reports the percentage of gram negatives w/ carbapenamases in water samples, but one can make estimates based on the genetic data reported in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24521347.
That data is not specific to gram negatives, but it is a start. FYI ... We now have more data on specific isolates from the same systems (incl. gram negatives), but we have not tested +/- on carbapenemases in the isolates; only NDM-1 genes.
Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae and non-Enterobacteriaceae from animals and the environment: an emerging public health risk of our own making? J. Antimicrob. Chemother. (2013
Dear D. W. Graham, Actually in our study we got MBL, KPC, OXA, AmpC and ESBL with different combinations by Modified (modified by our group and not published yet) Combined Disks Test. Now, I want to know the global situation to compare with Bangladesh. Thank you.
Are your data for water samples and, if so, where from? It sounds like your data is presumptive, but not confirmed. Is this true? I think the Combined Disk Test provides evidence of enzyme activity, not abundance. We have somewhat similar data from sites along the Upper Ganga, which we also have not published. Once I know your general sample sites, maybe we can offline about mutual results. I ask because we are potentially starting new work in Bangldesh next spring.
Thank you. We have taken our samples from Surface water of Dhaka (Lakes, Rivers) and after isolation we gone for Combined disk test for phenotypic detection of different type of Carbapenemase enzymes i.e. MBL, OXA , KPC, including AmpC and ESBL. Finally we will go for Multiplex PCR.
Check my work in Lancet Infectious Dis (published in 2012). Hopefully, by the middle of the next year you will get the current updated data! Cheers Dr. Badrul