I want to inquire about the most suitable time to pumping the primary sludge from primary sedimentation tank to the digested.

Some times I withdraw the primary sludge at the morning for one hour, and some times withdraw the sludge at the evening.

I should withdraw about (50 m3 / day ) of primary sludge.

during the withdraw process I have measure the TSS every 20 min. Actually I do not notice any trend. Some times the TSS Decline from 50000 mg/l to 1800 mg/l. and some time the TSS decline to just about 40000 mg/l during the one hour withdrawn of primary sludge.

Any one please can help to know the most suitable time to withdrawn the primary sludge from primary sedimentation tank.

any help to understanding the process of sedimentation in the primary sedimentation tank ?

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