what is the importance of RG score for researchers. can we use our RG score in our C.V.. what are the different possible ways to increase our RG score. what could be the possible reason do develop Research Gate.,
The higher the score, generally the more papers and answers you have given to different questions. IF you give bad answers, your score goes down when someone flags your answer as bad. Your score goes up when you are flagged for something good or gaining followers.
I think it is more fun as a way to check your progress and as a way for getting you hooked on helping others with their questions. It's more about bragging rights than anything else.
In some cases, you can share your Research Gate ID and link with other scientist or scientific community where higher RG score will increase your Scientific Value.
I mention my RG and LI accounts on my resume. The score can change quickly. So, I wouldn't use your score on a resume. When I started I went from 0.00 to about 5.00 in a few weeks. I have been hovering below 30.00 for several months. I guess it gets harder to increase your score as it gets higher.
Being researcher it is good for your to mention RG as well as H-Index (Hirsch index) in your CV and must aware about these two scores status. What I experience in many interviews that some interviewer show interest to know about your RG and H-index.