03 March 2017 1 4K Report

I have four questions:

1) Does centripicle motion affect wave forms?

2) Does a physics engine aid as described below in finding angiogenic factors?

3) Can techniques similar to those used in helioseismology aid in adding color contrast to sonography?

4) Does opencv have the capacity to distinguish what not to save similar in how the newer versions of iOs phones and tablets can distinguish between the background and the subject most commonly people?

My idea is to find a way to improve the color contrast for sonograph medical imaging to use computer vision for detecting cancer. I have some ideas looking at sounds as it relates to tissue density. Since all things that are living are animate producing energy, all of these energies exist as radiating sound. We can experiece the force fields surrounding each object. Some early scientists said that bats made sounds that bounced off objects and we know that with noise cancelling headphones energy can be added or subtracted from the wave's amplitude making it in a spectrum that a bat can hear. An interesting proof of concept is a motion detector which can sense heat such as a passive infrared detector. Rather than an array of microphones my idea levererages the formation of patterns to learn what type of sounds to expect in progression through software audio filters. As math professors used to tell us, nothing is continuous but discrete in terms of energy pulses. Our brain just connects through sampling and tries to make up for its lack of perception capacity to think of something as continuous. Even light is susceptible to waves and quantum mechanics. We now know there is confusion because thus not only includes the third demention but the fourth demention as well. When shining a lazer at a boom box speaker. Light create heat when coming into contact with objects. Would sound waves also sound waves be capable of generating heat if the oscilations were closer together meaning it carried more energy. Were slowed down it would have a similar effect as seen with thunder and lightening where thunder takes more time than light to be perceived. In order for a source to have more than one wave it seems as though each type of wave would need its own source emitter. However, it can be deduced that this is not always the case. It is more reasonable to say that the intensity of light decreases as a square proportion into square distance. This means as wave bounces off objects it would decrease the focused energy so it turns from a light wave to a sound wave when light reflects and refracts off objects. I think that it is fair to say that light is a sound wave except that light has a greater frequency so that it affects the centripetal motion so that the sound wave appears to be under greater influence of gravitational force of surrounding objects. Consider a solar storms which can have a flame burst which can be perceived by audio equipment. Radio telescopes can detect planets becuase they operate in a different spectrum and serve as a inspiration for this project. the image is reconstructed using a technique such as the one shown here: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5810124 using natural sound. Geologists have been working with geophones for a long time. Here is an example of some research: http://library.seg.org/doi/abs/10.1190/IGCBeijing2016-137

Using many similar concepts, astrologers use helioseismology ito gather data including that the outer convective zone and the inner radiative zone rotate at different speeds, which is thought to generate the main magnetic field of the Sun by a dynamo effect,[3][4] and that the convective zone has "jet streams" of plasma (more precisely, torsional oscillations) thousands of kilometers below the surface.


Like healthy cells, cancer cells cannot live without oxygen and nutrients. So they send out signals, called angiogenic factors,  that encourage new blood vessels to grow into the tumour. This is called angiogenesis. Without a blood supply, a tumour can't grow much bigger than a pin head. Blood vessels in microbubbles can perhaps be detected acoustically using doppler. My research is mostly a deviation of the paper found at http://digital.auraria.edu/AA00000077/00001/3j

Another question I have regards physics engines. Animators have physics engines which provide an approximate simulation of certain physical systems such as rigid, soft, or fluid dynamics. They are hard to make because of all the thought that goes on to what an object does. Would a physics engine such as newton game dynamics aid in determining masses.

A third idea I have is to use opencv, an open source computer vision library to help focus the computers attention to what needs are for saving the file. Medical image format files take a lot of space. Concepts common to all file formats, such as pixel depth, photometric interpretation, metadata, and pixel data, are considerations which could be made judiciously by the training of opencv to reduce storage costs of imaging.

My last idea is to utalize the computing support of a company such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon ec2 cloud compute. I think the computing requirements, particurally given the resources of underserved populations would not be enough to support the imaging eithout this support.

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