A 35 year old female presented to the outpatient ENT clinic in AL-Hussein teaching hospital/Samawah city with painless swelling over the posterior aspect of the right auricle 2 years ago, the swelling is gradually increasing in size. There is no history of previous trauma or surgery.
The mass is non tender, oval in shape, measured 5ₓ 3 cm. in dimeters, freely mobile, fluctuant and the skin overlying it is warm on touch and there is an increased in its vascularity. There is no scar and no changes over the skin surrounding the swelling. The swelling is neither pulsatile nor compressible.
The mass was excised under general anaesthesia and sent for histopathological examination and we are waiting for the result of the pathological evaluation. Grossly the mass is an oval in shape, 5ₓ 3 cm in dimeters, when excise part of it, its cavity contains a blood with a thick wall but the cavity contains no hair.
What is the differential diagnosis of this swelling?
Thank you in advance for your valuable response.
Best regards