Could someone provide an operational definition of "experiences" or "experience", as used in qualitative inquiry? So far, non are precise enough, to me :
How people experience a phenomenon = “how they perceive it, describe it, feel about it, judge it, remember it, make sense of it, and talk about it with others” (Patton, 2015, 3.14, p. 115)
“Perceptions and meanings” of a phenomenon, as they appear to one’s “conscious awareness”, including: A) one’s “sensory experience”; B) the way it is understood, i.e. “described, explicated and interpreted” (experience is direct experience + its interpretation) (idée qu’on a pas d’accès à l’expérience directe d’un phénomène – exemple d’être frappé par un éclair) (Husserl, 1913/1954, paraphrased by Patton, 2015, 3.14, p. 116)
Perceptual, emotional, and/or cognitive consequences associated with specific events or contexts (APA Thesaurus).