What is the best way of repeating simulations, say I have to run the 10 replicates of the same simulation trajectory which was previously simulated for 100 ns production run after minimization and equilibration steps. I took the last structure of the 100 ns simulation trajectory and used that last structure as the starting structure for the 10 replicates of the same system. The mdp file I am using for the 10 replicates has gen_vel=no but gen_seed=-1, will this parameters in the input file will produce new velocities? as I am seeing the trajectories are different from each other which would be good for statistical sampling and analysis etc also with the above mentioned setting I am not minimizing or equilibrating the replicates as I already took their starting structure from the well equilibrated system.

can anyone please tell me is this the correct way to produce replicates for the same system? As if have to do many replicates i.e more than 50 and each time I have to do gen_vel=yes with short equilibrations and before real production runs that will be time consuming and also will create a burden on server for job submission if I have to submit all 50 replicates together.

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