I need all tweets containing a specific hashtag in a certain period of time. I need also all retweets and user profiles related to the gathered tweets. Putting into consideration Twitter API Limitations.
Sorry, I don't have a complete answer on your question but I just stumbled on a Wiki of tools for Data Collection in Social Media here: http://socialmediadata.wikidot.com - hopefully you find something helpful there (or a better experienced researcher in this question ;)
There's a course on Youtube with lots of videos teaching data analysis and collection from Twitter. If you have time, it's a great course: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8C1256A28C1487F
There are a few commercial content providers that let you submit hashtag/temporal-based queries over social network data collected over long periods of time:
Twitter Acquires Gnip and thats the only way that you can have access to twitter feed and firehose with no rate limit on API. Gnip model is based on monthly/annual subscription and it costs you min $1,500.00 per month for 1 million tweets. They might have some discounts for educational institutes as well. Twitter canceled their contract with Datasift and you can't use their service anymore. The historical API calls PowerTrack and they have full instruction to connect the API to your pipeline and adding the role on the dashboard. The role section let you to customize your feed based on time, location, specific hashtag and more. The best way for you is to connect the API to ES and store the data on your servers. Storing the user avatars are little bit tricky and you can keep the link to the user profiles and not storing the images if you are limit on the server side. Thats help you to bring the cost down. Also, you can use ES as a storing point and keep all the data on ES by creating indexes. By the way, the twitter public API just provides 1 percent random data and you have no control on it. Wish you luck.
Podargos can help you collect a full Twitter dataset for a specific hashtag in a certain period of time by machine learning. All you have to do is to tell them your needs.
It can provide twitter historical and realtime data. In additional, it's able to help you retrieve other mobile App data of social networks and e-commerce, and supports for nearly 100 languages.
It's been quite some time since this question was asked by anyway, here's my two cents.
What you could try is to use a social media monitoring tool that will help you collect mentions of a given hashtag as long as they weren't tweeted from private accounts.
I am biased here since I use our product, Brand24 (https://brand24.com), for social media monitoring, but you could do it with other tools like Brandwatch (https://brandwatch.com) or Social Mention (https://socialmention.com), for instance.
Anyway, to start tracking dataset for a specific hashtag, you need to create a monitoring project. Then, use your hashtag as the keyword you want to monitor.
Once you click "Save", the tools starts picking up mentions of your hashtag. You can choose one of the predefined timeframes or use a custom one.
Like I mentioned, you won't be able to access mentions from private accounts. On top of that, the tool offers very limited historical data. This means you'll only get a fraction of past mentions and it works to the best of its abilities from the moment of creating a monitoring project onwards.
The tool won't collect retweets, but you'll be able to easily get user profiles related to the gathered tweets. You can also export the data to an .xls file and then download it.
Each mention has a few pieces of information assigned to it, like: ID, exact time and date, author, content of a tweet/Instagram caption, link to the orignal mention, location, sentiment analysis, as well as metrics such as social media reach, follower count of the author, etc.
You can use ''Netlytic'' for a specific hashtag in a certain period of time and retweets. Netlytic is a cloud-based text and social network analyzer that can automatically summarize and discover communication networks from publicly available social media posts.
Sarah Elsharkawy, here you are an advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
link : https://github.com/twintproject/twint
I hope this could help you and all other who are interested.