I would be glad to get quality answers from skillful and experience engineers researchers and scientist concerning how to determine the PV limit for polymers used in automotive bearings applications.

I have researched a lot about this topic, however I am not satisfied with the answers currently at my disposal.

I am not referring to the formular used for calculating PV; this is straightforward. But the criteria for setting the PV limit.

1. One popular criterion i see mentioned in literature commonly is that PV limit is the PV at which the wear of the polymer increase excessively. This I think could be subjective to individuals. It will also depend on the quality of the polymer developed by specific person. I mean are there references that illustrate this in terms of number whereby subjectivity is minimized.

2. Are there various wear rates for various automotive polymer bearings application regarded as critical limits which can be used to determine the PV limit of these polymers?

kindly answer by explaining and possibly providing references.

Thank you in advance.

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