I am using dichloromethane to extract BDDE after spiking the matrix sample with BDDE in methanol. without long sonication my recoveries are poor. what is the best solvent for the extraction, i prefer not to use dietyel ether
Hi Karin, ether definitely seems like it would be the best solvent for this solute. However, MEK, acetone, or isopropanol might work too, depending on what else is in the solution.
I need solvent that can be evaporated by nitrogen or heat in order to detect the samples by GCMS. in the test procedure i am extracting free residual BDDE from cross linked hyaluronic acid gels. i add to the sample BDDE which was diluted in metanol in order to evaluate my recoveries and then trying to extrac all the BDDE with dichloromethane. it seems not so effective.