Learn basics first - the general programming concepts are basically the same in most languages.
Start from free sources - You can start learning from free sources (online courses, tutorials, internship programs) instead of investing in paid courses. If you are motivated then such tutorials and courses will let you know the basics. Also I recommend to read books, documentations, discover libraries, or talk to more experienced colleagues.
Learn smart - science says that it is better to learn 1h/day than once a week for 7 hours. That’s because your brain needs suitable intervals to keep information for such a long time. Also, the easiest way to memorize is to collect information by practice.
Take care of yourself - your brain works best when you are in good condition. Our brain works better when we are rested regardless of whether we are studying for an exam or learning programming.
Divide big problem into small ones - the code structure will be more transparent. It will be easier for you to solve a small problem and you will be able to enjoy a small success instead of feeling unable to solve a big problem.