The area of the collected leaves can be measured using a leaf area meter or an image scanner and image analysis software (ImageJ) and mobile applications (Petiole, Easy Leaf Area). The measured leaf area can then be divided by the area of the traps to obtain LAI.
puedes usar papel milimetrado, dibuje el area y calcule... sabes cuanto mide un cuadraro y solo multiplicas, sin olvidar las formulas matematicas, lo otro es corta una area de 5x5 o 10x10 usando como guía el tamaño de la hoja milimetrada, luego pesa ese cuadrado de hoja y el resto para así extrapolar el area total... no es tan exacto pero tienes un aproximado del area foliar... (1mgr es a 10 milimetros cuadrados, 28,5 mgr será 285 milimetros cuadrados, algo así)
If you want to measure leaf area, I recommend LeafByte. It's a free and open source app for iPhones and iPads. It measures leaf area and herbivory levels much more quickly than ImageJ and related software. It also automatically saves your data for you in a spreadsheet.
You can download it in the app store or read more about LeafByte at the website below.You can also check out the FAQ page for ways to measure leaves non destructively and in the field.
Disclaimer-I was involved in making this app, but since its free I make no money from its use.