Reliability sample size determination can be calculated by using Chii square distribution (or binomial distribution). However, Accuracy is tied with reliability; thus, Engagement is needed, such as Rel * Acc, gives us a new value. One must need to define reliability parameters before understanding accuracy measures. For example, a system will be 93% reliable if results are within a specific range (2 to 10 feet), but accuracy can be defined as 80% accurate if results are within 2-4 feet. Two different scenarios should be utilized to combine the reliability & Accuracy for sample determination. You can test 15 samples and only allow one failure (point estimate) needed to be (93% or higher) reliable. Now you have ten working systems (assuming two failures happened). Still, the accuracy requirement is 80% with 2-4 feet, now we need to determine actual sampling and allowable failures to show compliance combined (rel * Acc) requirements. In the above example, we are only allowing three failures and still can meet the requirements. Combined Rel*Acc = 0.93*0.8 =0.74.4