The impact of my publications is comprehensive. For instance, four-years ago I developed a new core post-graduate Topic in Primary Health Care for my Faculty/College. Around a third to a half of the readings relate to my work. Students are encouraged to critique, compare and contrast my work against exisiting literature. I have 'broad shoulders'. When evaluating the Topic, the students are mostly appreciative of the opportunity to engage with my work, counter my perspectives and identify that they appreciate that they can 'witness' my expertise and enthusiasm for the subject and that it can motivate them further. Some, of course, view it as me 'promoting' my own work - but that is not the intention.
Regarding Research Higher Degree (RHD) supervision as a main form of teaching and learning, I am viewed as a research methodologist and have published a number of books and book chapters. This again, seems to be appreciated by my RHD students/colleagues and is often a reason that they seek me out for advice and support.
I have recently left my previous university as they have radically restructured. One of the main aspects of the restructuring is to create many more 'Teaching Specialist' positions and radically reduce the number of 'balanced portfolio' positions. I am personally opposed to this 'breaking' of the teaching/research nexus which is what, in my mind and many others, defines a university from other educational/industry institutions. For me, applying personal research outcomes to teaching and learning practice is an integral part of an academic/scholarly role and not to be 'undone' where it can be applied.
The impact is significant often at graduate level teaching where your publication and your students' research work may go hand in hand. There may not be any impact if you are teaching a traditional well-established undergraduate course.
The impact of my publications is considerable, particularly in the Master Studies programs I have been teaching in. Research-based teaching is both relevant and interesting for many students who are eager to gain knowledge about recent research results. From my experience, it is also useful to relate one's own publications to other recent research results in the field, particularly in collaborative projects.
Becoming more international can have a great impact; the following recent paper on strategies for globalizing research in the educational sciences might be of interest:
Conference Paper Strategies for globalizing research in the educational sciences
Shahbaz, by publication I assume you mean a paper. This might be limited because of the limit on content, however, the publication of a book can be a great asset to teaching. I have published 12 in English with 10 in other languages including Farsi and Arabic, and these offer more scope to cover a whole course/unit or part of a curriculum. Of course, other academics use these books and so your ideas and research can be more widely appreciated.
I think my publication can support teaching Master courses and help to develop the syllabus or suggest new subjects especially when variety of publication which discuss different topics