Green concrete can be defined as the concrete with material as a partial or complete replacement for cement or fine or coarse aggregates. The substitution material can be of waste or residual product in the manufacturing process. The substituted materials could be a waste material that remain unused, that may be harmful (material that contains radioactive elements). Green concrete should follow reduce, reuse and recycle technique or any two process in the concrete technology. The three major objective behind green concept in concrete is to reduce green house gas emission (carbon dioxide emission from cement industry, as one ton of cement manufacturing process emits one ton of carbon dioxide), secondly to reduce the use of natural resources such as limestone, shale, clay, natural river sand, natural rocks that are being consume for the development of human mankind that are not given back to the earth, thirdly use of waste materials in concrete that also prevents the large area of land that is used for the storage of waste materials that results in the air, land and water pollution. This objective behind green concrete will result in the sustainable development without destruction natural resources.
The philosophy of green concrete, in fact of any green product is based on the principle of optimizing its embodied energy i.e. on minimizing the energy spent to put it into its final functional form. It therefore depends on the practices related to every stage of its production.
How green a product is ? - The lower the embodied energy, the greener the product.
For concrete, any practice which aids to reduce the energy associated with its production, be it energy efficient cement production, use of blended cements, savings made on transportation of ingredients and direct use of recycled waste contribute towards its greenness.
The pressing situation of water scarcity in urban centers has for example motivated the use of treated waste water in concrete. You may refer to the link for details.
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