This question is about to investigate how concrete strength affects the uni-axial to bi-axial compressive stress ratio (a parameter for the plastic behavior of concrete in concrete damaged plasticity model) using ABAQUS.
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[8]Szczecina, M., Winnicki, A. 2015. Calibration of the CDP model parameters in Abaqus. The 2015 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM15), 25-29 August, 2015, Incheon, Korea.
***For building compression and tension behavior:
[9]Hsu, L.S., HsuT, C.-T.T. 1994. Complete stress-strain behavior of high-strength concrete under compression. Magazine of Concrete Research, 46, No. 169: 301-312.
[10]Aslani, F., Jowkarmeimandi, R. 2012. Stress-strain model for concrete under cyclic loading. Magazine of Concrete Research, 64(8): 673-685.