1. Transient T-wave inversions are associated with benign syndromes, such as the persistent juvenile T-wave pattern (these findings may continue into adulthood, and some patients demonstrate persistent T-wave inversions in the precordial leads) and, as well as morbid conditions, including acute coronary ischemic events and CNS catastrophe,acute myopericarditis and pulmonary embolism. The interpretation of the ECG in the context of the individual patient presentation is mandatory.
2.Transient T-wave inversions in the precordial leads may result from myocardial ischemia (unstable angina), non–ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (NSTEMI-MI), or previous MI; inverted T waves related to acute coronary syndrome are symmetric in shape; this symmetry means that the downsloping limb is a mirror image of the upsloping limb.
3.Troponin T measurements are a specific and sensitive method for the early and late diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.The reference interval - less than 0.5 micrograms/L, therefore this is probably the reason for worries there.
Transient T-wave inversions could well be owing to dynamic obstruction such as arising from Myocardial bridging which is common in Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, this could well lead to Trop-rise. Cut off values for Trop are different depending upon types e.g Trop-I/Trop-T/high sensitive Trop etc. If it is above normal and rising then should be looked into seriously