Oyais, I think you ask about the same thing: period or time period of oscillation is the smallest time interval at the oscillator output that occurs repeatedly.
well sir i am confused with the word 'time' ..... is it that oscillation time period means oscillations which are repeated in exactly same time interval and oscillation period when oscillation are repeated in different intervals like damping ones..
I think it is just a matter of therminology. The word "time" serves to clarify that we are talking about time oscillations and not about any periodicity in the frequency domain (harmonics). The period or time period T is generally not exact. Practically T is time-variant at least owing to noise. In real oscillators, T is also affected by damping, but not too much, since T mostly depends on C and L, whereas damping is mostly due to R and the nonlinear amplifier gain. However, in "linear" oscillators, T does not depend on damping.