If you mean electromechanical analogy that isn't present active and passive loading, and there are active (ohmic) and reactive (capacity and inductance) loadings. Is active (chips) and passive electronic elements in circuitry. In mechanics analog of active loading is viscosity and damping, analog of inductive loading is elastic deformation (for exampe - an ideal spring
Probably you meant by passive load is to apply dead loading or traction forces on the of surface of a body, which doesn't perform any work because the body is enclosed by rigid walls. This system known as isochoric system in thermodynamics, and characterized by Helmholtz free energy if the temperature is also constant. Active load does work on the system, which is exposed to it. İf this active load is constant of time then the system is known as isobaric system and characterized by Gibbs free energy if the loading done isothermally.