Maybe you could take a look at the Turnover Intention Scale (TIS-6). I haven't been able to figure out if the questionnaire is reliable, but I'm sure research has the answer for you.
1. I often think about quitting this organization.
2. I intend to search for a position with another employer in the next year.
Source: Bentein, K., Vandenberg, R., Vandenberghe, C., & Stinglhamber, F. (2005). The role of change in the relationship between commitment and turnover: A latent growth modeling approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 468-482. Adapted from Hom and Griffith (1991).
Based on a lot of literature review on scales used for measuring turnover intention/ intent to leave:
Yes most of scales used are usually either 1-item scale or 3-items scale; they measure global view of turnover intention; all of them have had good Cronbach’s alpha scores ranged from 0.80 or more to 0.90 or more.
The measured meaning whether for 1-item scale or 3-items scale is the same/so similar. However the responses against these scales are recorded along likert scale (strongly agree- strongly disagree) or frequency/rating scale. Sometimes are joined with certain periods of time.
When trying to catch/trace the details of the psychometric characteristics of any original scale I usually have incomplete information. So, I think I will follow the advice of Professor Paul E. Spector and adopt one of those 2 scales.
Kelloway E.K., Gottlieb B.H., Barham L. (1999). The source, nature, and direction of work and family conflict: a longitudinal investigation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4,4, 337-346.
Article Nurses’ turnover intention a comparative study between Iran and Poland