Hi, many processes may play a role, but the most important are the infiltration of rain (with different isotope composition) , mixing of different types of waters and of course the amount of evaporation. So if your shallow groundwater is in an area where part of it is exposed in lakes and allowed to evaporate- that may explain the enrichment in heavy isotopes.
I found the manuals by the atomic agency in Vienna very helpful to learn about isotopes. Here is the link to the first volume, but there are many more
Skrzypek, G., A. Mydłowski, S. Dogramaci, P. Hedley, J. J.
Gibson, P. F. Grierson. 2015. Estimation of evaporative
loss based on the stable isotope composition of water
using Hydrocalculator Journal of Hydrology. 523: 781–
789. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.02.010
And if you like to compare with another case study using stable isotopes, see these papers that you can both download from my researchgate page. We looked at groundwater and waterbudgets of gravel pit lakes , one in fresh water setting and one in coastal brackish water setting.
good luck - Pauline
Mollema, P.N., Stuyfzand, P.J., Juhasz-Holterman, M.H.A., Van Diepenbeek, P.M.J.A.,
Antonellini, M., 2015a. Metal accumulation in an artificially recharged gravel pit
lake used for drinking water supply. J. Geochem. Explor. 150, 35–51. http://dx.doi.
Mollema, P.N., Antonellini, M., Dinelli, E., Greggio, N., Stuyfzand, P.J., 2015b. The influence
of flow-through saline gravel pit lakes on the hydrologic budget and hydrochemistry
of a Mediterranean drainage basin. Limnol. Oceanogr. 60, 2009–2025. http://dx.doi.
I think you may find useful hints for interpreting your data in the following book, pages 132 to 135, as there are a couple of figures showing regression lines with slopes less pronounced than that of the GMWL.
Isotopes in the Water Cycle -- Past, Present and Future of a Developing Science
Aggarwal, Gat & Froehlich, Springer, 2005.
I found a "free" web access to these pages via Google Books (see the link below).
thank you for the question. I feel that this question is on seismicity. when there is a deviation in slope, it concerns the velocity as well. from my understanding i think it is due to the fact that the groundwater is polluted or contaminated