I currently have the assignment to make a small demo for a specific algorithm, here we want to explain the Kalman Filter in its basic form. Sadly we havent really found any " noob friendly " examples and are trying to just jump ahead in other peoples code and trying to reverse engineer it.

Here in the dlm package on R, we've found the variables GG, FF, c0, CO etc. being used in the dlm function. Altought reading page 7 ( https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dlm/dlm.pdf ) these variables arent really explained and i would like to know what these mean. Or are these random variable names to use the algoritm with. This is the first day of the assignment, if anyone has any tips how to approach this or a easy "noob " friendly R language based example please do reffer this to me.

Many thanks!

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