02 February 2016 8 10K Report
  • Asian, African and Central and south American - developing world 
  • Specifically smallholder - Landless or Land limited (as most land is utilized for human food production)
  • Use of Bio gas and its slurry
  • Hydroponic system  for fodder production initially and then food crop production
  • Maximum usage of crop residue - converting them through TMR and then pelleting to increase shelf life
  • Land used for crop agriculture - convert from a mono crop system to a multiple crop strategy
  • Improve this formular: Aggregate Farm Income = aggrgate profit margin X1crop1 + X2crop2 + X3crop3 + X4 livestock1 +... + Xn livestockN - (other expenses)
  • What are the agriculture linked enterprises in this system that youth can be interested?
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